Wednesday, March 12, 2008

No Speak English!!!

When this video first came out last year, I thought it was the best one Bud Light has had for a long time. Carlos Mencia is a good comedian which makes the commerical that much better. Carlos Mencia is teaching what looks to be a wide variety of immigrants or even tourists how to ask for a Bud Light. He starts off by giving them instructions for ordering one in the south and he uses a southern accent most likely from Texas. Then one of the students says it with his accent and kind of messes it up. Then he moves to New York saying his line with an accent from the Northeast and the student tries to do it exactly the same way. Once the guy tried to do it I thought that this was hilarious and starting laughin histarically. Then he goes to the next guy and says it with an accent from East L.A.and gives this little shimmy with his shoulders while saying it, then the student tries to do it but fails misserably. But at the end he switches it up and teaches them what to say when somebody asks them for a Bud Light. This commercial was definitely to humor the audience, but at the same time it is trying to sell its product by giving its tradition slogan right before the commercial ends.

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